2015년 5월 16일 토요일

SHELF Project - Week 1 analysis

So after recording it, I didn't have the time to listen because I had hard time uploading it.

1. Should've had some sort of script ready
 - summarization wasn't as clear as I thought. should've at least had key words written down

solution: have key words written down before recording

2. awkward delays between words
 - used my phone to record, and every time I said something wrong, I just recorded over the same file, making awkward delays

solution: improve edition

3. dull audio
 - I tried adding bgm, but couldn't find the right bgm that I can repeat for 10 minutes

solution: find bgm(idea: use bgm from the reviewed game), find a way to edit

2015년 5월 12일 화요일

SHELF Project - Weekly Game Review - Week 1

SHELF Project - Weekly Game Review

My first project is here! Sorry about the bad audio quality.

Please leave a comment about what you want to hear next week! More about LoL or a different game review

Here's some videos about League of Legends
League of Legends official Cinematic - https://youtu.be/vzHrjOMfHPY
League of Legends Top Plays Recap of 2014 - http://youtu.be/rXi5eC2gsZc